Split Hole is a novelty visual effect created by Chiam Yu Sheng from Singapore.
A spectator selects a card and signs their name on it. A hole then appears on the card. The hole splits into two halves, and the two half-holes are restored. Finally, the hole vanishes, and the magician can give the signed card to the spectator as a souvenir.
- Highly visual and practical, perfect for performing in front of live audiences.
- Super easy to do.
- The gimmick card is durable.
« Yu Sheng takes the ‘Hole in Card’ plot to the next level with his take on the classic illusion that almost everyone in the world knows-sawing the lady in half! Brilliant idea, Yu Sheng! »
– Michael O’Brien
« This is a fun new take on the hole effect! I can’t wait to play with this! »
– Apollo Riego