BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND. Don’t be fooled by the Cheap import knock offs. They do not work. Save your money and your reputation. Buy the best and the original.
This is one of our greatest production challenges. This precision piece of magic defies logic. A beautiful brass plunger, a brass cup and a steel ball make up what is now a classic piece of magic.
Effect: The performer displays a solid brass plunger and a solid steel ball. The ball is dropped into a brass cup, which is resting atop the back of the performer’s hand. The plunger is used to press the ball ‘flat’…or so they think. The plunger is removed, and the ball has vanished! Only to appear moments later as it falls through the performer’s hand!
This may read simple but the effect on your audience is staggering. This is just an impossible feat!
Comes complete with brass plunger, cup, steel ball bearing and detailed instructions. Resets in 30 seconds. Note: New sur-loc system makes it even harder for anyone to find the secret.
NOTE: An instructional video link is also supplied with your purchase.
Viking products give you the power to create miracles with their precision workmanship.