There has been really few people able to do both magic and flourishing, we want to add one more to the list.
« …I’ve met James for the first time at « The Session » in England 3 years ago, that’s where we had our first lengthy exchange. What I liked about him (in addition to the fact that he is a really nice person) is that he was really good in both magic and flourish. I naturally told him that if he wanted to release something to the magic community I’d be there to help. Fast forward : 2 years later we are releasing his debut DVD! It’s for me a huge honor to produce James’ material and to see how Magicalsleight influenced him (his words, not mine). His magic is as visual as mine and I immediately added some of his creations to my repertoire (those who know me well know that it doesn’t happen often). I hope that you’ll have as much pleasure watching this DVD as we’ve had working on it… »
10 card tricks
Inglorious Jack Basterds : A flourishy sandwich routine with a jaw dropping ending.
Visual Split : A 8 splits into two 4’s, then two 2’s then finishes with an aerial meltdown.
Apollo 2k : A card is selected and then vanished using two kings but then reappears in a finger busting moment.
Facade : Two Cards change into the selected card in the most visual of sequences.
2-1 1-2 Transpo : Two cards transpose with one and then one with two.
Collectors : A collector’s routine that has more flare than the 70’s.
Pursuit : A stylish Sandwich routine in which the sandwiching cards change and transpose.
Prohibition : A two phase inversion routine, prepare to practice.
Incompositus : Cards are placed into a disorder and shown in a flourishy display, then returned to their original state with one exception.
FUBAR : A bunch of colour changes thrown together making a visual and flowing routine of the classic In:ten:city.
10 card Flourishes
Altitude False
Altitude Aerial
Language : English
Runtime : 100min
Format : NTSC : Worlwide